

“He raised chickens and corn.(他养鸡、种玉米。)。”经过搜索的结果小编整理了一些与英语短句子相关的信息,我衷心希望这些句子能够为你们提供一些实用的指导。沟通可以帮助人们解决情感问题,微博里也能看到好句分享,很多悠长的句子让人深深地感动。


1、know for a fact that baby corn is very expensive in Europe.(我确实知道玉米笋在欧洲是非常昂贵的。)

2、Sometimes after the deals are done, buyers hustle outside for a pickup fight.(有时刚一成交,买主们就忙不迭地到外面斗起蟋蟀来了。)

3、He rolled the trolley across the room.(他推着手推车穿过房间。)

4、The husband and wife were like czar and peasant, chairman of the board, and receptionist.(夫妻地位就像俄国沙皇和农民、董事长和接待员。)

5、You were going to tickle her in the wrong way.(你用错误的方式去逗她。)

6、Well perhaps she didn't want you to tickle her tummy.(可能她不想让你去逗她。)

7、man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry. 没有男人或女人值得你为他(她)流眼泪的,值得的那一位,舍不得让你哭。 经典爱情语句.

8、The upper fifth is on fire, multiple floors.(较高的五层着火了,有好几层楼。)

9、Tim Harford's book "The Undercover Economist" (Little, Brown) is out now in paperback.(蒂姆·哈福德的著作《卧底经济学家》(TheUndercoverEconomist)(小布郎出版社(Little,Brown))目前已经出版平装本。)

10、He saw that the corn was almost all gone.(他看到玉米几乎都被吃光了。)

11、The tumor will soon be resolved.(这个肿瘤很快就会消掉的。)

12、He was used to throwing each pebble into the sea as soon as he picked it up.(他习惯了一捡起鹅卵石就把它扔进海里。)

13、One man was in the pickup harness, facing the path of the aircraft.(有一名男子身上系好了安全带,面对着飞机飞来的方向。)

14、The EWG added that exposure can also cause epigenetic changes, meaning alterations in the way genes switch off and on and genetic changes that can be passed on to the next generation.(EWG补充说暴露在PBA下还会导致遗传性变异,意味则各种基因的变异能够遗传到一下代身上。)

15、All you need to do is get the old paperback from your basement.(所有您需要做的就是从地下室的旧平装书。)

16、We don't have kitchen lockers, so our cookies are in the tub under the hanging towel.(我们没有厨房储物柜,所以我们的饼干放在悬挂毛巾下面的饭盒里。)

17、and be sad.


18、Therefore, the planned introduction into that region of ant flies, which prey on Loma ants, would benefit public health.(因此,计划引进以洛马蚁为食的蚁蝇进入该地区将有利于公共健康。)

19、"While we teach, we learn," said Roman philosopher Seneca.(“教书时,我们也在学习。”罗马哲学家塞内加说。)

20、After a short pause, I opened the box.(停了一下之后,我打开了这个盒子。)

21、In a 1757 essay, the philosopher David Hume argued that because "the general principles of taste are uniform in human nature", the value of some works of art might be essentially permanent.(哲学家大卫·休谟在1757年的一篇文章中谈到,因为人类的审美具有共同性,所以一些艺术作品的价值可能是永恒的。)

22、Toys for the tub?(浴缸里的玩具?)

23、From Day 1, Iran's women stood in the vanguard.(从第一天起,伊朗的妇女们就站在前列。)

24、Happiness isn't on the road to anything. Happiness is the road.

25、"How on earth did she get it?"—"I dunno."(“她究竟是如何弄到它的?”—“我不知道。”)

26、One of his grouches is the system of payment.(他的牢骚之一是薪酬体制。)

27、Flack said it was too early to know whether the benefits of plentiful food outweighed the risks of feeding on landfills.(Flack说,现在要判断食物充足的好处是否大于垃圾填埋的风险还为时过早。)

28、Physiology and evolutionary theory alike offer explanations for this tendency.(生理和演化理论都解释了这种趋势。)

29、The stop/start-enginenotifications could switch the engine off and on automatically, or they couldtrigger alerts to the driver to turn it off/on manually.(这种引擎开/关通知可以自动地在开启与关闭之间切换,或者该系统也可以给司机发送“戒备信号”让司机自己动手开启或关闭汽车引擎。)

30、If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with.(如果你希望建立一种新的关系,开始时就要小心缓慢行事。)

31、A man apt to promise is apt to forget!喜欢随便许诺的人就喜欢健忘。(轻诺者健忘)

32、There will be a penalty for late payment of bills.(账单拖延付款要收滞纳金。)

33、There was a considerable pause, while the boys canvassed this matter inwardly.(这一阵相当长的沉默里,男孩们在心里议论着这件事。)

34、Some people deliberately pick up a basket rather than collect a trolley in supermarkets, to prevent themselves from buying too much.(在超市里,有些人故意拿一个购物篮,而不是推一辆手推车,以免买得太多。)


35、On occasion, the two women went to lunch and she came home offended by some pettiness.(一次偶然的机会,两个女人一起去吃午餐,其中一个被一些小事弄得很不愉快。)

36、Where on earth did you spring from?(你究竟是从哪儿冒出来的?)

37、Managing extensions by turning them off and on can be a major hassle, especially since it requires a restart of the browser - but there is a solution.(关闭或开启扩展可能是一个大麻烦,特别是它需要重新启动浏览器-但这里有一个解决办法。)

38、The amount of oil and natural gas in the Earth was still plentiful.(地球上的石油和天然气储量仍然丰富。)

39、He'd lived in the same house for decades and drove an old pickup truck.(他几十年来一直没有搬过住宅,驾着一辆老式的敞篷货车。)

40、He raised chickens and corn.(他养鸡、种玉米。)

41、This is the lesson I took from my mother: If perfection were possible, it would not be motivating.(这是我从母亲那里学到的一课:如果完美是可能的,它就不会激励人。)

42、He threw them into a large, empty tub.(他把它们扔进一个空的大浴盆里。)

43、Unlike at that time, when the bridge was raining, you hated them.不似当时,小桥冲雨,幽恨两人知。

44、tickle in your throat.(你的喉咙发痒。)

45、Possessions are plentiful; time is scarce.(如今物质足够丰富,但时间特别稀缺。)

46、But there is no sign yet of a convincing pickup in tax revenues.(但是还没有迹象表明税收收入有力上涨。)

47、Winona is fiercely patriotic.(威诺娜极度爱国。)

48、looking back!

49、The dress shows off her figure to perfection.(这套服装恰到好处地显示出她的身材。)

50、Other scientists noticed the same lack of solar perfection and proclaimed the fact.(其他科学家也注意到同样缺乏完美的太阳,并宣布了这个事实。)

51、Liang ran into a riot in a factory when she was on duty for the first time.(梁思敏第一次当班就赶上了一起工厂闹事。)


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