


介绍国庆节英语作文100字 篇1

Every October 1st is the birthday of our motherland. It belongs to all Chinese. In order to remember this special day, we will have seven days off according to the law. There are many people will choose to travel during this holiday. But, I won’t. The reasons are as following.


First of all, it is a festival to celebrate the birthday of our motherland. We should do something related to it. We will have military parade annual. I think it is good for me to stay at home with my parents to watch it. Watching the beautiful and magnificent scene, solemn military, advanced weapons, I feel proud of them and would like to express my great thanks to them for protecting us and earning such happy life for us. It is such a great program that I don’t think anyone should miss it.


Secondly, a seven days off is not often in people’s life, so there must be hundreds of people in the tourist attraction. I don’t think we can have a good trip in such crowd site. We have little chance to enjoy the beauty of the scenic spots. In addition, all the things on national day around the sight spot are very expensive. It may be three or four times expensive than usual.


Last but not least, the seven day off is very precious. We are so tired from the usual job. I believe it is a choice to take this chance to have a good rest.


To sum up, according to the reasons mentioned above, I don’t think travel on national day is a good choice. We can do something more useful on that holiday.


介绍国庆节英语作文100字 篇2

Finally ushered in the annual National Day, this is a great mother's birthday, the whole nation is jubilant, everywhere is full of warm, festive holiday atmosphere.

Today I go out to play with mom and dad. We go to the mall, there are all busy, bustling, packed full of flowers, outstanding displays. Thousands of potted flowers spelled formed a colorful flower beds. People, people are buying clothes, some in eat delicious barbecue and exquisite snacks, some people appreciate the wonderful show, has everything! Think back in the 60 years of our motherland has experienced many ups and downs, to switch back to today's good life! In the evening, I returned to the cultural square, saw the inlaid in the Chinese knot lights up, Chinese knot is more beautiful than during the day, that the light like a dragon coiled the pole, in the light and night light, like a fly in the sky... Sudden boom 'a sound, I got a fright, between a lot of children, pointing to the sky Shouting: "fireworks, fireworks, come and look at! ' 'I like their refers to the direction of a look, wow! How big a fireworks, like a lion mouth to swallow us into the belly, and then a few fireworks fly into the air at the same time, the boom of a few, are the heavens and the earth was shaking.

Friends, their ancestors to say well: young wisdom, the Chinese wisdom, young rich or wealthy Chinese, young strong a strong China. Hope is on us, we can't forget our life now is to rely on the older generation of people to come, so we can't afford to waste time, we should study hard, sets up the lofty aspirations and ideals, to serve their country in the future. Again, I wish our motherland forever young, I wish our motherland more prosperous and strong!


今天我和爸爸妈妈一起出去游玩。我们先到商城,那儿全是热闹的人群,熙熙攘攘、人流如织,到处是花团锦簇、姹紫嫣红的景象。千万盆鲜花拼组成了一个个五颜六色的花坛。人来人往,有 的人在买衣服,有的人在吃美味的烧烤和精美的点心,有的人在欣赏精彩的表演,真是应有尽有哇!回头想想我们的祖国在这60年里经历了多少风风雨雨,才能换回今日的美好生活啊!傍晚时分,我又来到文化广场,看到了中国结上镶嵌的灯都亮起来了,中国结比白天更美丽,那条像龙的灯盘绕在柱子上,在灯光和夜景的照耀下,像在夜空中腾飞。突然轰’得一声,把我吓了一跳,之间很多小孩儿指着天空喊:’’放烟花了,放烟花了,快来看哪!’’我像他们指的方向一望,嗬!好大一个烟花,像一个狮子张开口想把我们吞进肚子里,接着又有几个烟花同时飞到空中,轰轰轰的几声,正的天地都在抖。


介绍国庆节英语作文100字 篇3

The national day of the night, I accompanied my mother came to Jiujiang, the west side square to watch the fireworks.

Fireworks have yet to start, along the road and the square was full of people. I really hope the fireworks come on, let me see it.

Suddenly, "bang" sound, startled us. Hurriedly looked up at the sky, found the beginning of fireworks, the crowd followed the boiling.

Wow! Fireworks colorful, beautiful. Beautiful fireworks added to the dark sky. Some fireworks called spark sparkle, when the fireworks soared into the sky, like a white rocket like, rushed up to the sky, the spread, the fireworks started is red, flash, it becomes green, and then scattered in the earth, like green stars from the Milky Way Galaxy fall in general. Some fireworks called butterflies, the fireworks like strips of happy fish swam towards the sky, bloom, a beam toward here, a bunch of stretch there, as if a single white bud, stretches slowly, its charming smile, very beautiful.

The final discharge is a red fireworks, like a red lantern, blinking slowly landing. The countless lanterns, as I feel now, hope that fireworks be reluctant to part, a bit longer, longer.

I hope that the National Day fireworks display a year of beautiful, which symbolizes the prosperity and prosperity of the motherland.

I love the national day of fireworks, I love my motherland!








介绍国庆节英语作文100字 篇4

Autumn day, day blue, green, and wind weather; Osmanthus fragrance, harvest in the prosperous; Flowers, birds singing beautiful days, splendid home。 People rejoice YingHuai, decorating, festive red lanterns hung high — celebrating the National Day, celebrating the 54th birthday of the motherlands birthday。

Our country has a long history, is humongous, rivers beautiful, she has experienced extraordinary ordeal, her unyielding national spirit and attention。 Since liberation, the wise leadership of the central committee and the joint efforts of people all over the country, the motherland prosperity step by step, she stood in the world powers with a new gesture。 The scene spectacular magic of nature, that is the light of hope, if we are wise, bringing light to our life。 We did not have such stability and happy life environment。

We like love the sun, love the party and the motherland, for her hard work and effort dedication。 Strong national wealth and the people, lets wish: bless you, our motherland!




介绍国庆节英语作文100字 篇5

During the National Day this year, our whole family went to climb a Taishan, it is an unforgettable experience.We eat breakfast, the car came to the Taishan back -- tianzhufeng scenic area. First came to a mirror like surface of the tianzhufeng reservoir dam, towering cove, forming a thousand feet waterfall spectacular. Along the rugged Bando to walk, along the way we through the cliffs of the Bay crane; wade the enchants stream rapids; listening to bursts of Songtao tianzhufeng; we came to have long sought the Taishan peak, Yuhuang Ding. In the arms of Taishan, I not only feel the majesty of Taishan, but also feel the profound culture of Taishan.I will never forget the happy journey.


介绍国庆节英语作文100字 篇6

The National Day is a designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a country. Often the National Day will be a national holiday.

The National Day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence. Other dates such as the countrys patron saint day, or a significant historic date are sometimes used. Most countries have a single National Day per year, though a few,

for example, India and Pakistan, have more than one. Besides that, each of the two special administrative regions of the Peoples Republic of China, namely Hong Kong and Macao, celebrate the day of the establishment of the special administrative region, as well as the National Day of the Peoples Republic of China.

The importance attached to the National Day, and the degree to which it is celebrated, vary enormously from country to country. In France, for example, National Day is 14 July and is known as Bastille Day.

It is widely celebrated and the French Tricolour is much in evidence, while the President of the Republic attends a military parade on the Champs-lysées of Paris. In the United States, the Fourth of July celebrations are widely celebrated with fireworks and barbecues.

In the Republic of Ireland, St. Patricks Day, March 17, has been the National Day and a Public Holiday for many years, and in recent years it has been observed as a full Public Holiday in Northern Ireland too. However, in the rest of the United Kingdom the constituent countries patron saints days are low-key affairs.

Most countries have a fixed date National Day, but some have movable dates. An example here is Jamaica, which celebrates its National Day on the first Monday in August. This commemorates independence from the United Kingdom which was attained on Monday, 6 August 1962 - the first Monday in August of that year. Another example is Thailand which celebrates the birthday of the King on 5 December. This date will change on the accession of the heir to the throne.

介绍国庆节英语作文100字 篇7


Yeah! The annual National Day is coming, the whole country is celebrating, and my father is back. My family is going to Wanda to play together!


We took the No. 5 bus, but when our mother was ready to pay, the driver said, "no money today!" Its a surprise. It used to cost nothing to take the bus on national day.


On the way, rows of five-star red flags are flying in front of the store. There are many big, small, long and short ones! When we get to the destination, well go in and play. Playing in the amusement park is on the rise, and a sisters sweet voice suddenly rings in a nearby painting place, saying that she can paint with food coloring on a sushi like food, and there is a reward after painting! Adults and children swarmed up, which was immediately surrounded by three floors. I cant see it now. I can only play in that paradise. I cant see it at all. Since I cant see it, I can use listening.


After ten minutes, the voice rang again, "look, this kid wrote 70 here, this kid drew Tiananmen Gate..." Listen, I want to see it, but I can only stay where I am, how helpless! Soon the activity was over. Watching the winning children leave happily with their prizes, I was happy and lost for them. Fortunately, I could play other games, such as ocean balls and small rooms Theres everything here.


Later, we played ocean ball. When we were tired, we lay on it. My brother and sister buried me when I didnt pay attention. As soon as I opened my eyes, my brother and sister pretended to play there as if nothing had happened. I was very angry. I took a ball and threw it. My brother and sister also threw it


Tired of playing, we also went home. Along the way, mom and dad also talked with us a lot of other happy things. Today is really a good day, both happy and happy, ha ha!


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