


1、Happy birthday! May your day be filled with more good hair days than bad, and fewer awkward conversations with coworkers than usual. 生日快乐!愿你的一天充满比坏发日更多的好发日,比平常少和同事交谈的尴尬时刻。


3、On your birthday, I wish you the joy of a child, the wonder of a wizard, and the liver of a college student (because let's face it, you're gonna need it).

4、Wishing you a birthday that's as awesome as you are – and if that's not possible, at least as awesome as your cake. 祝你生日像你一样惊人——如果不可能,那至少像你的蛋糕一样惊人。

5、You may be getting older, but at least you're not getting uglier (well, not much). Happy birthday!

6、It's your birthday, and you know what they say - age is just a number. Of course, in your case, that number is getting quite large. But hey, the older, the wiser, right? Have a fantastic day!

7、Wishing you a birthday that's as amazing as you are – but without the wrinkles. 祝你生日像你一样惊人——但没有皱纹。

8、Wishing you a happy birthday! Today is your day, so celebrate it well.

9、Congratulations on another year of being amazingly you! 生日快乐,恭喜你又度过了一年的例外!

10、You're not getting older, you're just getting closer to your death. 你不是在变老,你只是离死亡更近了。


12、Happy birthday to someone who is like a fine wine – they just keep getting better with age. 生日快乐,像美酒一样越陈越香的人。

13、Another year older, another year wiser? Let’s not push it! Happy birthday, may you stay forever young at heart! 又长了一岁,又聪明了一岁?别吹牛了!生日快乐,愿你心态永远年轻!

14、Happy birthday! How I wish you could become a shining candle and let me blow you out.

15、Age is like underwear — it creeps up on you when you least expect it! Enjoy your birthday and remember, you're only as old as you feel.

16、Happy birthday to someone who always knows how to make me laugh – even when they're not trying to. 生日快乐,这个总是知道如何让我笑的人——即使ta不想尝试。

17、Wishing you a birthday filled with love, joy, and lots of caffeine – because without it, who knows what might happen? 祝你生日充满爱、快乐和茶碱——因为没有它,谁知道会发生什么?

18、Wishing you a happy birthday! Today is your day, you should enjoy it.

19、You don't look a day over fabulous. 你简直一天都没老,还是那么华丽。

20、Congratulations on reaching another age milestone...but it's still nowhere near as impressive as your social media following. 恭喜你又到了一个年龄里程碑……不过还是远远比不上你的社交媒体粉丝数。

21、Happy birthday! May your wrinkles be few and your braces be temporary. 生日快乐!愿你的皱纹少而你的牙套暂时。

22、Age is like underwear, it creeps up on you when you least expect it. Happy birthday and make sure your underwear is age-appropriate! 年龄就像内衣裤,当你最不期待的时候悄悄降临。生日快乐,记得确保你的内衣是适合年龄的!



25、Happy birthday to someone who finally reached an age where it's no longer appropriate to eat cake for breakfast. Congrats on being an adult! 生日快乐给某个最后终于达到吃蛋糕作为早餐不合适的年龄的人。恭喜你成年了!

26、Happy birthday to the person who always brings sunshine and laughter wherever they go. May your special day be as awesome as you are!

27、May your birthday be filled with joy, laughter, and lots of presents, just like a circus (minus the creepy clowns).

28、They say age is just a number – but after a certain point, it starts to feel like a high score. Happy birthday! 人们说年龄只是一个数字——但超过一定范围后,它就开始像一场高分比赛了。生日快乐!

29、Here's to a birthday that's as wild and crazy as your teenage years (but without the acne).

30、They say laughter is the best medicine, so on your birthday, I prescribe endless laughter and an overdose of happiness! Have a truly joyous day!

31、You're not getting older, you're just leveling up. 你不是在变老,你是在升级。

32、Happy birthday to someone who's a legend in their own mind...and occasionally on Twitter. 生日快乐,你在自己的脑海里是个传奇……有时候也是在推特上。

33、Happy birthday to someone who is so amazing, they could give Chuck Norris a run for his money. 生日快乐,你是如此惊人,即使与李小龙比赛,也能赢得胜利。


35、Happy birthday to someone who is aging like a fine wine. 生日快乐,你就像美酒一样,年龄越来越醇。


37、Congratulations on another year of surviving the virtual apocalypse. 恭喜你又度过了《生化危机》般的一年。

38、Happy birthday to someone who is like a s'more – sweet, warm, and impossible to resist. 生日快乐,你就像夏威夷果棉花糖一样——甜蜜、温暖而难以抵挡。

39、Wishing you a happy birthday! Today is a special day because you came into this world.


41、Happy birthday to someone who's been around longer than Google, but still manages to find the joy in life (even if it takes a few extra clicks).

42、On your birthday, I wish you peace, love, happiness, and a lifetime supply of cake and ice cream (because let's be real, that's all anyone really wants).

43、Happy birthday! May your hair stay forever young, and your wrinkles be mistaken for smile lines. 生日快乐!祝你头发永葆年轻,你的皱纹被误认为是笑纹。


45、On your special day, may you have all the joy your heart can hold, all the smiles a day can bring, and all the chocolate cake you can eat. Happy birthday!

46、Another year older, but don't worry, you still haven't caught up to me yet!

47、You may be getting older, but at least you're not getting any less awesome. Happy birthday!

48、Happy birthday! May your day be filled with more happiness than your mom's Pinterest board, and fewer awkward moments than an episode of The Office. 生日快乐!愿你的一天充满比你妈妈的Pinterest更多的快乐,比《办公室》的一集更少的尴尬时刻。

49、They say age is just a number, but in your case, it's a really big number! Happy birthday, and may your calculator never run out of batteries! 他们说年龄只是个数字,但在你的情况下,这是一个真正的大数字!生日快乐,愿你的计算器永远不会没电!

50、Youth is a gift, but age is a work of art. Happy birthday, here's to mastering the art of getting older gracefully! 青春是一份礼物,年龄是一件艺术品。生日快乐,向优雅地变老的艺术致敬!


52、Congratulations on another year of successfully pretending to be an adult. 恭喜你又成功扮演了一年成年人的角色。

53、Happy birthday! May your day be filled with more joy than your Instagram followers, more cake than your waistline can handle, and more alcohol than your liver can handle. 生日快乐!愿你的一天充满比你的Instagram粉丝更多的喜悦,比你的腰围更多的蛋糕,比你的肝脏能承受的更多的酒精。

54、You may be getting older, but your sense of humor is still in its prime. 你也许在变老,但你的幽默感还是旺盛如初。


56、Happy birthday to someone who is aging gracefully, just like wine, cheese, and George Clooney. 生日快乐,你就像葡萄酒、奶酪和乔治·克鲁尼一样优雅地变老。

57、Wishing you a happy birthday filled with love, laughter, and lots of cake – and none of that sugar-free stuff, we're not that mean. 祝你生日快乐,充满了爱、笑声和蛋糕——不包括那些无糖的东西,我们并不是那么刻薄。

58、Birthdays are like rearview mirrors; they make you look back at your past while driving forward into the future. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride! Happy birthday!

59、Happy birthday to someone who is the best part of my day – except for coffee. 生日快乐,你是我日常生活中最美好的一部分——除了咖啡。

60、Happy birthday! May your day be filled with more joy than your dog when you finally come home from work. 生日快乐!愿你的一天充满比你的狗等到你下班时更多的喜悦。

61、You're not getting older, you're just increasing in value like a rare vintage wine. 你不是在变老,你只是像稀有优质酒一样增值。

62、Happy birthday to someone who is funny, charming, and has a great sense of humor – and isn't me. 祝幽默、迷人、有着一流幽默感的某个人生日快乐,但不是我。

63、Congratulations on another year of becoming more fabulous and less tolerant of others' bs. 恭喜你又度过了一年,变得更加棒,对别人的废话越来越不耐烦。

64、Age is just a number…that tells you how many candles to put on your cake. Happy birthday! 年龄只是一个数字…告诉你要在蛋糕上放几根蜡烛。生日快乐!

65、Wishing you a happy birthday filled with laughter, love, and lots of cake – the good stuff, not the fruitcake. 祝你生日快乐,笑声、爱与蛋糕充满你的生活——好的蛋糕,不是水果蛋糕。

66、Happy birthday! Today is a time to enjoy, don't worry about getting older.

67、Happy birthday to someone who always puts a smile on my face – even if it's just to laugh at their bad jokes. 生日快乐,这个总是让我笑的人——即使只是为了嘲笑ta的坏笑话。

68、Always remember…you're never too old to party! Happy birthday! 永远记得…你永远不会太老无法狂欢!生日快乐!

69、Wishing you a birthday that's as amazing as you are – but with fewer wrinkles. 祝你生日像你一样惊人——但是少了一点皱纹。

70、Wishing you a birthday that's as magical as a unicorn, as fun as a bouncy castle, and as sweet as a candy factory.

71、Happy birthday to someone who always knows how to have a good time...even if it means breaking a few rules along the way. 生日快乐,你总是知道如何开心……即使意味着沿途违反了一些规则。

72、Wishing you a happy birthday! I hope your life lasts as long as a candle, but is much more fun than it.

73、On your birthday, let's raise a glass to all the wonderful ways you've enriched our lives...and to all the terrible decisions that will make for great stories later on! 在你的生日,举杯庆祝你给我们的生命带来的所有美好……以及后来会成为经典笑话的所有糟糕决定!


75、Another year of being awesome – congratulations! 又过了一年的华丽生活——恭喜!


77、Congratulations on being another year closer to the senior citizen discount at the movie theater. 恭喜你又接近一岁,离在电影院享受老年人折扣又近了一步。

78、Another year older, and still as fabulous as ever! Happy birthday to someone who never lets age define them!


80、You're not getting older, you're just getting closer to your ultimate form - that wise, sarcastic person who doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks. 你不是在变老,你只是离你的终极形态更近了——那个不闻不问别人想法的聪明、讽刺的人。

81、It's your birthday – let's party like it's 1999! 生日快乐——让我们像1999年那样狂欢!

82、Congratulations on completing another trip around the sun! Remember, age is just a number, and you're not getting older, you're getting wiser. 祝贺你又绕太阳跑了一圈!记住,年龄只是个数字,你变得不是老,而是更聪明。

83、Birthdays are like the opposite of black holes - the more you have, the younger you feel! Cheers to a day of eternal youth. Happy birthday!

84、Happy birthday! May your day be filled with more smiles than wrinkles, more memories than regrets, and more gratitude than hangovers. 生日快乐!愿你的一天充满比皱纹更多的微笑,比遗憾更多的回忆,比宿醉更多的感激之情。

85、It's your birthday! Time to start counting your blessings, not your candles. Here's to another year of laughter, love, and lots of cake!

86、May your birthday be filled with laughter, love, and a few embarrassing photos that your friends will never let you live down.

87、Happy birthday to someone who is so amazing, they make the sun jealous. 生日快乐,你是如此惊人,使太阳都感到嫉妒。

88、Wishing you a happy birthday! May your birthday be as sweet as your cake.

89、Birthdays are like chocolate bars – some days you feel a little nutty, some days you feel a little crunchy, and some days life is smooth and sweet. Happy birthday!

90、Happy birthday to someone who is so amazing, they make the internet jealous. 生日快乐,你是如此惊人,使互联网都感到嫉妒。

91、Wishing you a happy birthday! Enjoy every moment today, especially the moment when you eat cake.

92、Life is uncertain, but one thing's for sure - on your birthday, there will be candles... lots and lots of candles. So, get ready to blow them out and make a wish! Happy birthday!

93、Wishing you a happy birthday! On this special day, you should relax and enjoy yourself.

94、Wishing you a birthday that's filled with lots of love, laughter, and happiness – and not too many awkward moments. 祝你生日充满了爱、欢笑和幸福——但不要太多尴尬的时刻。

95、On your birthday, I wish you the courage to chase your dreams, the wisdom to know when to give up, and the money to afford therapy if it doesn't work out.

96、Happy birthday! May your day be filled with lots of love, laughter, cake, and vodka. 生日快乐!祝你今天充满爱、笑声、蛋糕和伏特加。

97、Happy birthday to someone who is as amazing as they are good-looking – and we all know how good-looking they are. 生日快乐,祝拥有完美外貌的同样惊人的人——而我们都知道ta有多好看。

98、May your birthday be filled with cake, laughter, and lots of presents, just like when you were a kid!

99、Happy birthday to someone who's getting better with age, like a fine cheese (although hopefully they don't smell as bad).

100、Happy birthday! I hope you have as much cake as your heart desires, and as many presents as you can fit in your house!

101、Here's to a birthday that's as epic as your life story (but with fewer dragons).

102、Happy birthday to someone who is like a unicorn – magical, rare, and totally awesome. 生日快乐,像独角兽一样神奇、珍稀而且绝对棒极了。

103、Happy birthday to the most amazing, coolest, awesomest person I know…who is not reading this message. 祝我知道的最惊人、最酷、最棒的人生日快乐,但ta不可能看到这个信息。

104、Happy birthday! May your wrinkles be as few as your IQ. 生日快乐!祝你皱纹愈少,智商愈高。


106、Congratulations on another year of being the type of person who never takes life too seriously. 恭喜你又度过了一年,成为那种永远不会太认真对待生活的人。

107、You may be getting older, but you're still young enough to believe that you can change the world. Happy birthday!


109、Congratulations on surviving another year on this crazy planet! 恭喜你又在这个疯狂的星球上存活了一年!

110、Another year of life is like another year of experience points in a video game. Level up, and have a happy birthday!

111、You know you're getting old when you start to appreciate the "before" pictures on wrinkle cream commercials. Happy birthday, may your sense of humor stay as young as ever! 当你开始欣赏抗皱霜广告中的“之前”照片时,你就知道自己正在变老。生日快乐,愿你的幽默感永远年轻!

112、On your special day, don't worry about wrinkles or grey hairs. Just count your blessings, eat your cake, and party like there's no tomorrow! Happy birthday!

113、On your birthday, I wish you more candles on your cake than there are hairs on your head (assuming you haven't started balding yet)!

114、Happy birthday! Your birthday cake looks more tempting than you do.

115、Happy birthday to someone who is smart, funny, and charming – who knew my mirror had a birthday? 祝聪明、幽默、迷人的某个人生日快乐——谁知道我的镜子也有生日?

116、You may not be getting any younger, but at least your sense of humor is! Happy birthday!

117、Happy birthday to someone who is smart, witty, and can still fit into the same pants they wore in high school. 生日快乐,祝你聪明、机智,而且还能穿上高中时代的裤子。

118、Congratulations on surviving another trip around the sun! Here's to many more happy and adventurous years ahead. Happy birthday!

119、On your birthday, I wish you health, happiness, and a lifetime supply of beer (because let's be real, that's all anyone really wants).

120、Happy birthday! You're so young that I don't even know what gift to give you to show my respect.

121、Congratulations! You survived another trip around the sun without getting abducted by aliens or being attacked by ninjas. That's definitely worth celebrating. Have an out-of-this-world birthday!

122、Happy birthday! May your wrinkles be a testament to all the happiness and laughter you've experienced in life. 生日快乐!愿你的皱纹为你在生命中经历的所有幸福和欢笑作证。

123、Happy birthday to someone who's aging gracefully, despite a lifetime of eating pizza and drinking beer!

124、Happy birthday to someone who's aging like a fine wine, but has the energy of a college student (and the liver to match)!

125、Another year of life means another year of wisdom, another year of memories, and another year of being too old to go trick-or-treating. Happy birthday!

126、Congratulations on another year of being awesome – even if you have to rely on memory to remember it. 生日快乐,恭喜你再次拥有一年的华丽生活——即使你不得不依靠记忆来回忆它。

127、At your age, it's important to remember that courage is oxygen for the soul. So breathe deeply and blow out those candles. 在你这个年龄,记住勇气是灵魂的氧气,因此深呼吸,吹灭蜡烛。

128、Happy birthday to someone who is forever young at heart, but maybe needs a few more candles on the cake this year. 生日快乐给一个永远年轻的人,但今年也许需要在蛋糕上多放几支蜡烛。

129、You're not getting older, you're just getting more valuable...like Bitcoin, but without the unstable market fluctuations. 你不是在变老,你只是变得更有价值……像比特币,但没有不稳定的市场波动。

130、Happy birthday! Another year older, but the good news is that you're still younger than you'll be next year. Enjoy the ride!

131、Happy birthday! May your day be filled with more laughter than your family's group chat, more presents than your friends can afford, and more compliments than your ex can handle. 生日快乐!愿你的一天充满比你家庭的群聊更多的笑声,比你的朋友们负担得起的礼物更多,比你的前任能承受的赞美更多。

132、You don't look a day over amazing. 祝你永远年轻、美丽!

133、You may be getting older, but you're still in the prime of your life (assuming your prime was sometime in your mid-20s). Happy birthday!

134、Wishing you a happy birthday! On this day, you should enjoy how amazing of a person you are.

135、Happy birthday to someone who's lived long enough to know better, but still young enough to do it anyway!

136、You're not getting older, you're just getting wiser...and more sarcastic. 你不是在变老,你只是变得更有智慧……和更加讽刺。

137、Happy birthday to someone who's aging like a celebrity (they keep getting younger with each passing year).

138、Wishing you a happy birthday! I hope your birthday is as bright as your smile!

139、Wishing you a happy birthday! Don't eat too much cake, or you'll have to dance all night to burn it off.

140、They say age is just a number, but in your case, it's a pretty big number! Happy birthday, you oldie but goodie!

141、Another year of life is like another year of data on a cell phone plan. You don't want to waste it, so make the most of it on your birthday!

142、Another year of life is like another year of experience in a job you hate. It may suck, but at least you're getting paid (in birthday cake and presents). Happy birthday!

143、Happy birthday! May your dreams be as big as your family, and your bank account be as empty as your ex's heart. 生日快乐!祝你的梦想和家庭一样宏大,银行帐户和前任的心脏一样空虚。

144、You may be getting older, but at least you're not getting boring. 你也许在变老,但至少你没有变得乏味。

145、Congratulations on another year of being young, wild, and free – or at least young at heart. 生日快乐,恭喜你再次拥有一年的年轻、狂野和自由——或者至少是年轻的心态。

146、Wishing you a birthday that's as sweet as you are, and as fun as a piñata full of candy!

147、Happy birthday! Today is your day, so whatever you want, you can get it.

148、On your birthday, I wish you all the good things in life: love, happiness, health, wealth, and the ability to eat as much cake as you want without gaining weight.

149、Happy birthday to someone who is so cool, they're practically a penguin. 生日快乐,你是如此酷,差不多已经成了企鹅。

150、Happy birthday to someone who is not just a year older, but a year better. 生日快乐!你不仅长大了一岁,还变得更好了。

151、Happy birthday! Don't be cheap, it's a special day today, loosen up a bit!

152、Congratulations on another year of being the coolest person in the room. You'll always be younger, better-looking, and more stylish than everyone else in the nursing home. 恭喜你又度过了一年,成为房间里最酷的人。在养老院,你永远比其他人更年轻、更好看、更时尚。

153、Age is not important unless you're a cheese. Happy birthday, may you continue to age gracefully, just like a fine Gouda! 年龄并不重要,除非你是一块奶酪。生日快乐,愿你像一块美味的豪达奶酪一样优雅地变老!

154、You're not getting older, you're just becoming a classic! Happy birthday!

155、Happy birthday to someone who can still party like it's 1999 (even though they were born in 1985)!

156、Another year wiser, another year closer to that senior discount at the movie theater. Happy birthday!

157、Wishing you a surprise-filled birthday, but please remember not to blow away your birthday wish when blowing out the candles!

158、Happy birthday, my friend! May all your dreams come true – except for the one where you're naked in front of your boss. 生日快乐,朋友!愿你所有的梦想都能实现,除了你被老板看到裸体的一场恶梦。

159、Congratulations on being another year closer to being that crazy person on the subway muttering to themselves. 恭喜你又接近一年那个在地铁上喃喃自语的疯子。



162、Happy birthday! May your day be filled with more cake than calories, more good news than bad, and more friends than frenemies. 生日快乐!愿你的一天充满比卡路里更多的蛋糕,比坏消息更多的好消息,比敌人更多的朋友。

163、They say age is just a number – but after a certain point, it starts to feel like a pinball score. Happy birthday! 人们说年龄只是一个数字——但超过一定范围后,它就开始像弹球游戏分数一样感觉到了。生日快乐!

164、Wishing you a happy birthday! May you smile like a candle and light your way forward.



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